vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufReadPost", { pattern = "*.h", callback = function() -- Toggle .h files between being interpreted as C and C++ -- in case I have to work on a C++ header that was saved -- (incorrectly) as a C header file. vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Fytwmmrt", function() if not vim.b.fu then vim.b.fu = true = "cpp" vim.cmd([[ LspStop ccls LspStart clangd ]]) else vim.b.fu = false = "c" vim.cmd([[ LspStop ccls LspStart clangd ]]) end end, { desc = "Fuck you to whoever made me run this."}) -- Set all .h files to be interpreted as C by default instead -- of C++. If you use .h for your C++ headers instead of .hpp -- you should be ashamed of yourself and change and grow as a -- person as to not repeat such heretical offenses. if not vim.b.fu then = "c" vim.cmd([[ LspStop clangd LspStart ccls ]]) end end, })